Why We Need The Truck Safety Coalition
Truck crash death and injury figures in the United States are staggering. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) data routinely reports nearly 6,000 fatalities a year, representing a 75% increase since 2009. On top of that, roughly 160,000 individuals are injured. In fatal crashes involving a large truck and passenger vehicle, 97% of fatalities are car occupants, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). The annual taxpayer cost of truck crashes exceeds $170 billion, imposing a steep economic drain on our society. The Truck Safety Coalition (TSC) is devoted to advancing comprehensive solutions to stop the unnecessary and unacceptable carnage on our roads. The TSC is a national nonprofit providing compassionate, immediate support to truck crash victims and their families. Supported by our incredible volunteer network, we highlight the need for more effective policy, rules and regulations that will reduce truck crash deaths and injuries.