Members of the Truck Safety Coalition Survivors Network are truly the heart and soul of our organization. They are families and individuals who have experienced first-hand the trauma of a truck crash. None of our accomplishments on educational or legislative issues would be possible without their help and committment. They volunteer many, many hours of their time to fight for improving truck safety standards for everyone, including truck drivers, even if it means confronting painful emotions on a daily basis.

Whether it is advocating for better laws at the state or federal level, attending Sorrow to Strength each year, or by participating in the First Response Program by offering support to new victims and survivors of truck crashes – they are truly an inspiration for us all to follow.

To be placed on the Truck Safety Coalition Survivor Network’s mailing list or for information please write, call or contact us here. Remember to provide your complete contact information.


Network Introduction
Introduction from a Survivors Network Volunteer. Click arrow to play.

Legal Information
Legal issues related to a truck crash. Click arrow to play.

Grief and Loss
Coping with the loss and grief related issues from a counselor. Click arrow to play.

National Radio Interview

Connie Godowns, South Carolina volunteer coordinator being interviewed on the Alan Colmes Radio Show. Click arrow to play.